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Working with the Flemish Government to preserve our First World War cemeteries and memorials

Scattered across Flanders are hundreds of cemeteries and memorials that leave a lasting reminder of those who gave their lives in the First World War. Stronger than any spoken message, the graves and memorials to the fallen also form an important part of our history, one that needs to be carefully preserved and cared for.

Hedge Row Trench Cemetery

At CWGC, we have been doing just this. Working with the Flemish Government, who have invested 3,9115,393.60 euros in the restoration of 24 cemeteries over the past five years, we now enter the final phase of the work.

CWGC work with Flemish Government

For the fifth and final phase of this restoration work, Minister Diependaele of the Flemish Government gave the go ahead for an investment of almost 682,000 euros. This investment enables us to push forward the restoration of Dochy Farm New British Cemetery in Langemark-Poelkapelle as well as Hedge Row Trench Cemetery and Perth Cemetery (China Wall) in Ypres. This final phase of the project will be completed by the end of 2021, with all 24 cemeteries restored to a high standard, ensuring that thousands of Commonwealth forces will continue to be remembered in perpetuity.

Minister Diependaele: “The military cemeteries in the Westhoek are part of the landscape. They are awe-inspiring places that remind us of the importance of peace. I am therefore very happy that the Commonwealth War Graves Commission is keeping the cemeteries in pristine condition, and I am happy to support them. By investing in this specific funerary heritage, we provide a physical memory of the two world wars. That is important, because that is where peace education starts. ”

There are over 150 sites in Flanders which are protected monuments. This requires a unique and specialized approach. In addition to the usual maintenance we carry out to keep the cemeteries and memorials looking so neat, we also have the challenge of restoring structures that are over 100 years old. At CWGC we are continuously refining our craftsmanship and improving our sustainable conservation methods. To this end, we also work closely with the Immovable Heritage Agency of the Flemish Government.

Find out more about how we care for our historic sites.