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Voices Of Liberation: Capturing The Memories Of The “Greatest Generation”

Discover the Legacy of Liberation with the CWGC by sharing your story on our sound archive, listening to our podcast and discovering more about the history behind our incredible sites.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission is capturing the voices of the “greatest generation” for a unique online sound archive, and is calling on the public to make their own lasting tribute.

To mark the 75th anniversary of some of the most momentous battles in history, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission is recording the voices of veterans, relatives and pilgrims for a unique online audio resource that explains why the Commission’s war graves, cemeteries and memorials are as poignant today as when they were first built 75 years ago. 

From the beaches of Normandy, to the hills of Kohima, and to the mountains of Manipur, Voices of Liberation is a global project that will cover the sacrifice and contribution of Commonwealth forces who paid so high a price for the liberty we enjoy today. 

The CWGC commemorates more than 100,000 service personnel who died during 1944. Commonwealth servicemen and women are commemorated in CWGC war cemeteries and memorials across the world and today, these iconic sites of remembrance remain places of pilgrimage for veterans and descendants alike. The archive aims to pay tribute to those who gave their lives and shine a light upon these places of remembrance.

The public will be able to explore the archive online and discover a wealth of recordings, from firsthand accounts from veterans about losing comrades to testimony from family pilgrimages to the battlefields.

The recordings capture the voices of veterans who served in infamous battles during the war, such as that of Victor Gregg. Gregg served with the 10th Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, and in 1944 found himself at the Battle of Arnhem where he was captured by the Germans. Victor - now 99 years old - recorded his story to be part of the archive. 

The archive highlights the role that CWGC cemeteries and memorials hold for family pilgrims today, such as the heart-breaking account of William Gaudern, told by his son Alan. Alan was born on 6 June 1944 and never met his father, who died on 10 July 1944. Alan reads the last letter his father wrote to his mother, Ethel, dated 18 June 1944: 

“My Dearest Ethel, 
I expect you have read between the lines this last week and knew that something was afoot. Dad sent me a cheque for five pounds, but I haven’t had a chance to cash it, so I’m sending it to you. Please spend it on something you would really like, and I should look forward to hearing what it is a little later.  You know we’ve faced up to the likelihood I may not come back… but you know I feel I shall come back, because I want to so much. We’ve had a perfect married life together haven’t we?  We must look forward to a more settled future. But if I don’t come back I want you know how much I owe to you and thank you for our lovely life together, and to let you know it isn’t my wish that you remain a widow, if you really fall in love again. I am happy in the knowledge that you bring up Joyce and Alan to be useful and god-fearing citizens. I hope we can sit down one day and laugh at what I’ve written. Wish me a happy landings and be a brave lass, you’re not to worry or else the milk will go sour."

Alan speaking about visiting his father’ grave: 

"It’s a moving experience to visit one of these wonderfully kept war cemeteries, but of course when you’re visiting a particular grave it’s even more poignant. It is an emotional experience. I think everybody at some point in their lives should visit such a place…  to see the result of the carnage and the way in which the Commission cares for them”

Lord Ashcroft, KCMG PC, the military historian, gallantry medal collector and philanthropist said:

"I congratulate the CWGC for launching this innovative and exciting project, 'Voices of Liberation'. I feel privileged to have been invited to play a small part in it, particularly as my late and much-loved father, Eric Ashcroft, took part in the D-Day landings as a young officer.

"For more than a century, the CWGC has been honouring our war dead and this project, in the short term, provides an opportunity to highlight some of the historic events from 75 years ago, including the bravery and self-sacrifice of members of our Armed Forces.

"In the longer term, I hope 'Voices of Liberation' will provide an important and fascinating archive that will inform and entertain future generations."

CWGC is now calling on the public to record their stories and feelings, relating to the Second World War and its sites of remembrance. The stories will reinforce these sites as unique places of memory and create a resource that is both a moment in history and a fitting tribute to those who died. 

Andrew Fetherston, Chief Archivist at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, said: 

“We believe that by capturing these stories from the public we are creating an archive of international importance and a lasting legacy for those who died for our today. We want people to share their connections to the war and our cemeteries to ensure that as Commonwealth nations we have not forgotten their sacrifice”  

Alongside the sound archive the CWGC has launched its new podcast series “Legacy of Liberation”. The six-part series explores the key moments of the Second World war conflict, and the historic cemeteries and memorials which commemorate those who fought and died. Historian Dr Glyn Prysor and heritage expert Dr Lucy Kellett explore the unique experience of visiting these sites of memory and mourning, taking a fresh look at events which have become almost legendary, and examining the artistic, architectural and social legacies of these iconic places.

You can contribute to Voices of Liberation and listen to the podcast here:

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