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Twin sons attend rededication service for their father after helping to trace his grave

A rededication service for Fusilier Edward Graham was held at the CWGC’s Catania War Cemetery in Italy yesterday (Wednesday).

The moving service was attended by his twin sons Edward and Sydney Graham, who were born just 22 days before their father died.

Fus. Graham, of the 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, was killed on 13 August 1943 during intense fighting as part of Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily. Tragically, unknown to Fus. Graham, his wife had given birth to twin sons just 22 days before.

It was research begun by Fus. Graham’s son Edward that led to his grave being identified after 74 years. Further research was completed by the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC) to verify the evidence which identified his grave in Catania War Cemetery.

Edward travelled from his home town Prudhoe, Northumberland, with his twin brother, Sydney for the service. He said: “It was a very emotional service and the culmination of years of hard work and research. We are very grateful to everyone involved who made today so special.”

The service, organised by the JCCC and led by the Regimental Chaplain of the Royal Irish Regiment, was also attended by British military, local dignitaries and the general public. The Commission provided the new headstone.

Nicola Nash, from the JCCC, said: “We feel privileged to bring some closure to Edward and Sydney after 74 years.”