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“They were too brave, they were too gallant”

Lieutenant Colonel Harry Moorhouse and his son Captain Ronald Moorhouse were both posted to the 4th Battalion of the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) in the 49th Division.

On 9 October 1917, the battalion was part of the divisional reserve. When a heavy fire held up the division’s assault troops, the 4th KOYLI was ordered forward in support.

Ronald advanced with his company, and was mortally wounded. When Harry left the headquarters to find medical help he was shot dead by a sniper.

Their bodies were never recovered, and Lieutenant Colonel Harry Moorhouse and Captain Ronald Moorhouse are both commemorated by name on the CWGC Tyne Cot Memorial.

In the video below, Rebecca Lisle, Harry’s great-granddaughter, speaks to the Commission about the life of the two men, the telegram sent to break the news of their deaths, and the impact their deaths had on her family.