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The People's Centenary: Report on Public Attitudes to the First World War Centenary published

CWGC Collaborates on National Report evaluating the impact of the First World War Centenary

Today, independent think-tank British Future, has published a report evaluating the public’s response to the First World War Centenary Commemorations. Delivered in collaboration with the CWGC, Imperial War Museums, the BBC and the Department of Culture Media and Sport, it outlines the way in which the public responded to the programme of commemorative events and activities, remembering the loss and sacrifice of so many who fought.

The report, entitled The People’s Centenary, finds that most people in 2018 felt that the centenary had brought people together across the nation. It also identifies the impact that it had on young people who sought to learn more about this important moment in international history. 

One striking finding was the increasing knowledge of the First World War service of soldiers from across the Commonwealth, with awareness of Indian soldiers increasing from being minority knowledge in 2014 to being known by seven in ten Britons by 2018. 

The report identified that 8.65 million people took part in a First World War related activity by the end of the centenary and the increased awareness also resulted in higher interest in visiting CWGC sites. 

You can find out more about the report on the British Future website.