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Introducing our Q4 CWGC Spotlight winners

CWGC volunteer cleans a headstone.

CWGC is incredibly grateful for the contribution all our volunteers make. Some go beyond the norm and enhance our work with their knowledge and enthusiasm, really making a difference to our visitors’ experience.

The CWGC Spotlight Award is our way of shining a bright light on our volunteers to celebrate those who went above and beyond and we are delighted to announce another wave of Spotlight volunteer award winners.

Here Are Our Latest  Spotlight Award Winners

Ewan Cuthbertson, West Region

Nominated by: Sandra Taylor, Eyes On, Hands On Coordinator (West 2)

Reason for the award: Ewan became a volunteer with the EOHO project in November 2020. As well as visiting his allocated cemeteries and submitting regular reports, he has researched almost all the casualties in Stratford Upon Avon Cemetery finding photographs for many, personally paying to have them printed off, laminating them at his own expense and then doing a presentation and guided tour to other volunteers at the cemetery last summer.

He very kindly offered to share his presentation with all my volunteers (taken up by many of them). He is a very reliable volunteer who goes above and beyond what is required from his role with the project.

Darren Hough, Darren Tarrant, Peter Gaskell, Peter Andjelkovic and Andy Baston, West Region

Nominated by: Sarah Hann, Eyes On, Hands On Coordinator (West 1)

Reason for the award: All five volunteers live in or near Crewe and have got together to look after Crewe cemetery. They met up one Saturday morning and split the site into 5 areas and have made the 708 more user-friendly by grouping the headstones together on a spreadsheet.

They plan to do the Eyes On for their individual sections and then get together for group cleaning sessions. It's great that our volunteers are getting to know each other and helping out at one of our larger sites.

Marlene Downey, North

Nominated by: Liz Marsland, Public Engagement Coordinator (North West)

Reason for the award: Marlene started volunteering with CWGC as an EOHO volunteer. She is an active member of her community in St Helens and is a member of the Friends of the Cemetery group. She works with local armed forces veterans to assist with mental health awareness and as part of this support, they meet fortnightly assisting with EOHO duties. Marlene is also a speaker and tour guide volunteer. She gives regular CWGC tours of St Helens Cemetery and talks to local adult/youth groups.

Marlene is the most active of all North West volunteers, mainly due to ongoing promotion and activity within the local community. She is currently bringing in at least three talks a month and her excellent reputation precedes her. She is also promoting CWGC at a St George’s Day event she organised for the local veterans. Nothing is too much for her and she dedicates all of her free time to the ongoing work of CWGC and her community.

Andy Johnson, East

Nominated by: Megan Kelleher, Public Engagement Coordinator (East Central)

Reason for the award: During Heritage Open Days last year, Andy stepped up and delivered a series of engaging talks and tours that were both well-attended and positively received. Andy is always the first to volunteer for new projects and has been fundamental to the growth of the tour guide scheme in the East Midlands.

This year, he will be using his encyclopaedic knowledge and research to conduct tours at three cemeteries in Lincolnshire, which will be crucial to the awareness of the public of the Commission's work in this region.

Ian Orwin, Scotland

Nominated by: Donna Hutchinson, Eyes On Hands On Coordinator (Scotland 2)

Reason for the award: Ian always makes himself available at short notice if a grave needs checking.  He has gone out with five minutes’ notice on a weekend to check our headstones as graffiti was present on surrounding headstones.  He always attends in person and zoom sessions, and nothing is ever too much trouble for him. 

He led a tour for me at an EOHO cleaning meet last year and had researched some of the casualties. His brother is buried in a MOD grave (Ian is the EOHO volunteer for this site) and he checks all graves with the same dedication and professionalism as if they were all his relatives.  Ian promotes all the CWGC fundraising walks and loves achieving the medals.  Ian has volunteered for public engagement in the past and deserves a special pat on the back!

Mick Stevens, South West

Nominated by: Andy Tysoe, Eyes On Hands On Coordinator (South West 1)

Reason for the award: When the Commonwealth War Graves Commission established the Eyes On Hands On project to help care for military graves across the United Kingdom, Mick Stevens was one of the very first to volunteer in West Cornwall. He has meticulously surveyed all of the war graves in the Falmouth area, where he has added much detail to the existing CWGC war records to ensure that commemorations are accurate, whilst also devoting much personal time to continually inspecting graves and cleaning them where necessary.

In the wider context of the project, he has leaned heavily into the West Cornwall Team’s group activities, where his historical knowledge and passion for preserving the memory of our war dead has been an example for all other volunteers.

John Harris, South East

Nominated by: Sarah Nathaniel, Public Engagement Coordinator (South East)

Reason for the award: John is everything you could want in a volunteer. He has, on several occasions, helped me out at the last minute with talks needing a speaker. I can always be confident that he will do a great job on our behalf. In addition, he regularly contributes to our South East Facebook Group with his local research, expanding the knowledge of the group.

Dave Dykes, Scotland

Nominated by: Patricia Keppie, Public Engagement Coordinator (Scotland North & East)

Reason for the award: Dave has consistently done excellent and personal research on our casualties, prepared detailed site tours, and supported our work in every way through his local community. He gives a lot of his time and energy to CWGC volunteering, and his contribution will be invaluable during War Graves Week.

A big congratulations to all our winners! We’d like to thank all of them for their hard work and dedication as well as all our volunteers for their effort in the last quarter.

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