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First volunteers event held at Brookwood Military Cemetery

As a thank you to our dedicated teams of volunteers, CWGC will be running volunteer events around the UK regions allowing them to find out more about the organisation, meet CWGC team members and like-minded volunteers. 

The first of these has just been held at Brookwood Military Cemetery on the 22nd March 2022.

Volunteers from the South-East region met each other and had the opportunity to tour the Brookwood site, meeting the stonemasons and gardeners. This was followed by presentations by the CWGC volunteer and operations teams and a thank you video from CWGC Director General, Claire Horton.

During the tour a Brookwood team was installing a new headstone.

Our volunteers play a vital role in helping us to maintain UK war graves and are very important to us. As part of our Eyes On Hands On Project, their local information about the condition of war graves and sites in their area allow our resources to be directed to the ones in need of attention. They also work alongside our Public Engagement Co-Ordinators and deliver a range of talks about the varied work of the CWGC, its history and most importantly, its work today. We wholeheartedly thank them for their dedication, enthusiasm and all the efforts they put in supporting our organisation.

The volunteers being given presentations and updates on the work of CWGC


For more information on volunteering with CWGC, please use the link below:

Volunteering with CWGC

Tags Brookwood Military Cemetery Eyes On, Hands On Volunteers Volunteering