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CWGC Announces New War Grave Commissioners

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is delighted to announce the appointment of four new Commissioners. They are: Dame Judith Mayhew Jonas DBE, Vasuki Shastry, Diana Johnson MP and the Rt Hon Philip Dunne MP.

The four new Commissioners will succeed Keith Simpson MP, Kevan Jones MP, Robert Fox and Professor Sir Hew Strachan, on the completion of their terms.

Speaking about the new appointees, CWGC Director General Mrs Victoria Wallace said; “I am delighted to welcome our new Commissioners and look forward to working with them. They bring a passion for our work and a range and breadth of experience that we can draw on as the Commission takes bold new steps into our second century of caring for the Commonwealth’s war dead."

The day to day running of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission is the responsibility of Victoria and her senior staff, but CWGC Commissioners provide oversight, valuable expertise, and act as representatives at key events and commemorations.

For more information about CWGC’s Commissioners visit Our Commissioners.