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Book an online CWGC talk

Following the reintroduction of a nationwide lockdown throughout Great Britain, many groups and organisations will be looking for alternative, online resources while unable to meet in person. We have developed a range of talks for those looking to learn more about the CWGC and the work that we do.

On offer is a range of highly engaging and informative talks for schools and groups which are all adapted for different audiences and delivered at a time and place to suit you. We currently provide the following talks:

These talks are delivered by one of our volunteer speakers through online webinar software and can be adjusted to fit a preferred time frame. Once the current coronavirus restrictions are removed, and it is safe to do so, we will also be able to offer onsite talks at a local CWGC site.

The Kantor Speakers Programme is supported through funding from the Kantor Foundation to the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation (CWGF). Our talks are free, but we ask for donations from groups if they feel able to support our work. Currently, this programme is only available in Great Britain.

Enquire about a talk

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