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ANZAC Day commemorations at CWGC cemeteries and memorials around the world

Gallipoli on the 25th of April 1915 was the first time that New Zealanders and Australians participated together in a major conflict, where some 50,000 Allied lives were lost. 'ANZAC' (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) became the symbol for the soldiers of both nations, that has endured to this day.

 (Photo courtesy Eric Compernolle)

ANZAC Day falls on the 25th of April each year, marking the date when over 16,000 Australian and New Zealand troops landed at what’s now referred to as ANZAC Cove in 1915 as part of the Great War Gallipoli campaign.

ANZAC troops fought in many theatres around the world in both world wars, including the Mediterranean, Middle East, Western Front, and the Pacific. We continue to honour their sacrifices each ANZAC Day and throughout the year by maintaining war cemeteries and memorials dedicated to Australian and New Zealand troops.

Here is a photo selection from the many ANZAC commemoration ceremonies that took place at CWGC cemeteries and memorials around the world.

CWGC Director General Claire Horton lays a wreath at the Helles Memorial, Turkey

Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate Memorial, Ieper, Belgium (Photo courtesy Eric Compernolle)

Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium (Photo courtesy Eric Compernolle)

Dawn Service at Buttes New British Cemetery, Belgium (Photo courtesy Eric Compernolle)

Wreath laying at Berks Cemetery Extension, Belgium (Photo courtesy Eric Compernolle)

Dawn ceremony at the VIllers-Bretonneaux Memorial, France

Oslo Western Civil Cemetery, Norway

Rome War Cemetery, Italy

Pieta Military Cemetery, Malta

Heliopolis War Cemetery, Egypt

Nairobi War Cemetery, Kenya

Madras War Cemetery, Chennai, India

Yokohama War Cemetery, Japan

Brockenhurst (St Nicholas) Churchyard, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Codford (St.Mary) New Churchyard, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Harefield (St.Mary) Churchyard, Middlesex, United Kingdom

Stonefall Cemetery, Harrogate, Yorkshire, United Kingdom


We will remember them

Tags ANZAC Ceneteries Memorials Anzac Day Commemoration